
[外语] 找寻提高英文阅读能力的方法

阅读 (Critical Reading)--时间:70分钟(分为两个25分钟和一个20分钟)
阅读部分共 67 道题:其中完成句子有 19 道,段落阅读有 48 道。 阅读文章涉及内容:自然科学类,人文科学类,社会科学类,文学小说类

写作 (writing)
考核方式:多项选择题 (35分钟.);写作 (25分钟)
写作部分共 49 道题和一个短文:
   其中有 18 道句子找错, 25 道改句, 6 道改段落和一个短文。
   作文类型:议论文,需有立论和例证(作文单独评分: 2-12 ;多项选择评分: 20-80 )

   SAT考的还是简单的推理逻辑,考的不是更难的那些间接逻辑, 你到了GRE或者是更高的层面,它考虑的是间接逻辑,开始变复杂。更高的考的是多值逻辑。.


The ABC of Reading, Ezra Pound  埃兹拉.庞德:阅读入门 1934 Brookhiser: "An epitome of the aging aesthetic movement that will be forever known as modernism."
ABC of Reading is a book by Ezra Pound published in 1934. In it, Pound sets out an approach to the appreciation and understanding of literature (focusing primarily on poetry). Despite its title the text can be considered as an ABC of Writing Poetry - in which the author does not suffer fools gladly. Several strikingly informative mantras are given:"Literature is language charged with meaning: Great literature is simply charged with meaning to the utmost degree" - to be achieved by three main ways:
phanopoeia - throwing the object (fixed or moving) on to the visual imagination.
melopoeia - inducing emotional correlations by sound and rhythm of the speech.
logopoeia - inducing 1 & 2 by stimulating associations with other word/word groups.
"Literature is news that stays news".
"Music rots when it gets too far from the dance. Poetry atrophies when it gets too far from music."
"I've never read half a page of Homer without finding melodic invention."
"Without the foregoing minimum of poetry in other languages you simply will not know where English poetry comes."
"From Chaucer you can learn whatever came over into the earliest English that one can read without a dictionary."
"Artists are the antennae of the race."
"The honest critic must be content to find a very little contemporary work worth serious attention; but he must be ready to recognize that little..."
"There are three types of melopoeia, i.e. verse made to sing; to chant/intone; and to speak. The older one gets the more one believes in the first. One reads prose for the subject matter.".

