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[基督徒] 每日箴言TODAY





Luke 21:25-36     
December - 1
"Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with . . . the anxieties of life . . . ." Luke 21:34

The New York Times carried the story of a miner who had been trapped for 16 hours deep under the mountains of Colorado. Tons of rock blocked his escape. Water was slowly filling the mine.

To keep from going mad, the miner said he began envisioning his rescue. Believing that his rescuers surely were working furiously to reach him, he imagined them driving a pipe into his dark chamber to bring in fresh air, and he imagined himself tapping a message on it to let them know he was alive. He imagined them breaking through and walking him out, and he saw himself embracing his wife and child, going home, calling up friends, and eating and dancing to celebrate his rescue.

The miner kept his head by envisioning his homecoming. The season of Advent calls us to live with the end in mind, to envision the day when the Son of Man will come with power and glory. Without this end firmly in mind, says Jesus, our "hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life."

No doubt, some of the people we know have already resigned themselves to life in the pit. They expect no rescue. But to them we can say, "Come with us to Bethlehem, listen to the good news of Jesus, and believe that your rescuer is in fact on the way, that Ôyour redemption is drawing near.’"

Dear God, stir our minds to imagine what you have prepared for us, whom you love. May the glory to which you call us strengthen us today in Jesus’ name. Amen.

路加福音   21:25-36
December - 1

「你们要谨慎,恐怕因……今生的思虑累住你们的心。」 路21:34






[ 本帖最后由 懿怡妈妈 于 2008-12-8 12:36 编辑 ].


Romans 13:11-14  
December - 2


"The night is nearly over; the day is almost here." Romans 13:12

When we read passages like this one from Romans 13, we may well be puzzled by the writer’s urgency, as though Christ’s coming is just around the corner. How can we maintain such an air of expectancy today, two thousand years later?

It’s been helpful to me to recognize how relative the word "near" is. I mean, if I told you my cousin is coming next summer, you probably wouldn’t say, "That is near!" or "That’s really soon!" But if I told you that my doctor said I was ill and would die next summer, you might well say, "Oh, that’s near!" On the other hand, if the doctor told me I’d live till the year 2055, no one would say, "That’s near!" But if scientists told us that the earth would disintegrate by 2055, the whole world would groan, "That is so near!" Clearly something is near if it makes an impact on the present. My cousin’s visit has no effect on my plans today. But my death or the end of the world -- well, that’s another story.

The coming of Christ, whenever it will be, is an event of such great significance that it affects us today. Already now its rays pierce our darkest days.

Our salvation is near. So let us understand this present time as the opportunity to be clothed "with the Lord Jesus Christ, and . . . Not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature."

Gracious God, with the psalmist we pray that you will "teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

罗马书   13:11-14
December - 2


「黑夜已深,白昼将近。」 罗13:12








Isaiah 40:1-11  
December - 3


"Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem . . . ." Isaiah 40:1-2

We do not want false hope. For example, if a doctor says we have cancer and recommends treatments for a possible cure, we might say, "Be honest with me. Is there any hope of surviving this?"

I remember being 30 years old (not so long ago), and I remember people then who were as old as I am now -- and they have died of old age. Is there room for hope in this life -- even mini-hope?

In 1956 our family immigrated to California. My father was full of hope that he would one day own his own dairy. Eight years later he died.

The cynic says, "Don’t hope. Take what you can today. Tomorrow? Who knows?"

Our Scripture today gives a different perspective. In the midst of brokenness and exile, God says, "Comfort, comfort my people . . . . Speak tenderly . . . To her."

We may be like grass, but because God is in the field, the odds for hope increase exponentially. God has not abandoned us. God is faithful.

Isaiah is told, "Speak tenderly" -- that is, "Speak to the heart." It’s the voice of the lover wooing the beloved not to settle in exile, not to surrender to despair -- assuring her, "It will be good; it will end well." In this Advent season "may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him" (Romans 15:13).

Gracious God, drive your promises deep into our hearts, that we may be encouraged and overflow with hope each day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

以赛亚书   40:1-11
December - 3


「你们的神说:你们要安慰、安慰我的百姓。要对耶路撒冷说安慰的话……。」 赛40:1-2







神吩咐以赛亚,要「说安慰的话」 —— 意思是说,要「说安慰及鼓励的话」。这就像一位爱侣不断鼓励他的情人,不要安于放逐,不要屈服于绝望,他向她保证:「一切都会好过来的,必会有一个美满结局的。」在这个将临节的日子,「但愿使人有盼望的神,因信将诸般的喜乐平安充满你们的心」(罗马书15:13)。



Psalm 42  
December - 4


"My soul thirsts for God, for the living God." Psalm 42:2

My soul thirsts. No other creatures besides human beings know this kind of thirst. The cow, chewing its cud in knee-high grass, is utterly content. Yet we thirst for God even in the midst of plenty.

In his autobiography, journalist Malcolm Muggeridge writes that throughout his life he had the notion of being engaged in a quest, seeking some ultimate fulfillment. As a young man he wrote in some hastily scribbled notes, "Is this God?

Some say we thirst for God even though we might not be aware of it. A poet writes,

Where the sun shines in the street

There are very many feet

Seeking God, all unaware

That their hastening is a prayer.

We want God, but not in some vague sense, especially when life is under attack. We long to know God as a young sailor did in World War II when he wrote to his anxious mother, "Remember . . . Even if I should be swallowed up in these deep waters, all the oceans in the world are but a tiny pool in our Father’s hand."

The psalmist longs to meet with God in worship, relieving the thirst of his soul in God’s presence. In our lives as Christians today we long to see Jesus, the living water that quenches our thirst (John 4:14; 7:37-39).

Merciful God, lead us to quench our thirst in you, to find relief for our souls in the work of your Son, who came to give us new life and power to serve you always. In Jesus, Amen.

诗篇   42
December - 4


「我的心渴想神,就是永生神。」 诗42:2









诗人渴望在敬拜中与神相会,有神同在便能满足他心灵的渴求。在今天,基督徒也渴想与耶稣相会,因祂是能解除我们干渴的活水 (约翰福音4:14;7:37-39)。



1 Thessalonians 1:1-10  
December - 5


"We continually remember . . . Your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thessalonians 1:3

When they think about life, lots of people say they love the journey but aren’t much interested in the destination. Anna Quindlen, in her book A Short Guide to a Happy Life, writes, "Life is good. I don’t mean in any cosmic way. I never think of my life, or my world, in any big cosmic way. I think of it in all its small component parts: the snowdrops, the daffodils, the feeling of one of my kids sitting close beside me on the couch . . . . Life is made up of moments."

It’s good advice to enjoy the present. But this is only a half-truth. If you’re on a plane, your ability to enjoy the journey is greatly aided by your belief that there will be a smooth landing. But if the pilot tells you the plane’s landing gear is malfunctioning, you’ll care more about landing safely than whether they’re serving beef or salmon for dinner.

The Bible values both the journey and the destination. But because the journey is often arduous, the Bible constantly urges us to remember the hope we have in Christ. And this is no itsy-bitsy hope; it’s the grand hope of a new heaven and a new earth -- that in the end all will be well.

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul" (Hebrews 6:19). Indeed, it is this hope that frees us to relish our dinner today.

Lord, we don’t want to be ignorant of the present or tyrannized by it, as if nothing else mattered. Fill us with hope today in your promise of a greater tomorrow. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

帖撒罗尼迦前书   1:1-10
December - 5


「不住地记念你们……因盼望我们主耶稣基督所存的忍耐。」 帖前1:3



圣经对人生的旅程和目的地同样重视。但因为旅程往往甚为艰辛,所以圣经不断鼓励我们,要谨记我们在基督里的盼望。这可不是一个微不足道的盼望,而是一个对新天新地的宏大盼望 —— 最终一切都将会完美无瑕。

「我们有这指望,如同灵魂的锚」 (希伯来书6:19)。事实上,我们能够安心享用今天的晚饭,都是因为我们有这个盼望。



James 5:7-11  
December - 6


"Be patient, then . . . Until the Lord’s coming." James 5:7

The dictionary defines patience as "the capacity to endure without complaint something difficult or disagreeable." Patience is synonymous with forbearance and longsuffering.

Our patience is tested when a goal we desire or expect is threatened or delayed. A simple thing like being stuck in traffic or bickering around the dinner table can bring us to the end of our patience. More significant, the great disconnect we experience between God’s promise of peace-filled life forever and the life we’re actually living -- strife and turmoil -- can wear away our patience.

But let’s be patient. Impatience makes us vulnerable to great sin. Impatience nearly always comes with destructive anger. Impatience opens the door to pride ("I could manage this world better") and envy ("Others have it; why not me?") and sloth ("Who gives a rip anymore?"). James also links it to grumbling.

Let’s be patient until the Lord’s coming.

James urges us to imitate the farmer. The farmer tills the soil, plants, fertilizes, weeds, and waits for the rain. With patience we learn what we can do and what is out of our hands.

The secret to biblical patience is to know that what is out of our hands is still in God’s hands -- and those hands seek our good.

Dear God, we confess that we are often impatient. We are too easily irritated. Give us a quiet spirit that takes to heart your good timing, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

雅各书   5:7-11
December - 6


「你们要忍耐,直到主来。」 雅5:7









1 Thessalonians 4:13-18  
December - 7


"We do not want you to . . . Grieve like the rest . . . Who have no hope." 1 Thessalonians 4:13

The dictionary defines grief as "a keen, mental suffering, or distress over loss." Philosophy teacher Nick Wolterstorff states that suffering occurs "when something prized or loved is ripped away or never granted."

None of us escapes suffering; all will know the grief of loss.

Yet there are degrees of grief. Some people experience a grief that’s intense, almost too much to endure. For others, grief is more like a nagging presence, a spoiler.

The Bible does not deny that there is much heartbreak; nor does it forbid us a sad face as though tears were a betrayal of faith. But it does warn against despair, the settled conviction that all will come to a bad end. The Scriptures dare to speak of hope even in the face of death.

There are many reasons for gathering for worship on Sunday -- some better than others. As we gather today, let’s do so in the desire to honor God and renew our trust in the Lord. Only in God can we be seized by the hope mentioned in our Scripture reading for today. This is a hope that believes, despite all devastating evidence to the contrary, that Jesus will one day restore every inch of this planet to live with us and reunite us with our loved ones.

When we are ignorant of this hope, grief wins.

Dear God, sooner or later we all experience death firsthand. Give us the sure hope that in Christ those who die are alive forevermore. In his name we pray. Amen.

帖撒罗尼迦前书   4:13-18
December - 7


「我们不愿意……你们忧伤,像那些没有指望的人一样。」 帖前4:13





我们在星期日聚集一起敬拜神,是有很多原因的 —— 虽然原因也有优劣之别。今天,当我们聚集在一起时,让我们持着一颗尊崇神的心,并且重新坚定我们对主的信靠。惟有在神那里,我们才能抓紧今天这段经文提到的盼望。纵然面对压倒性的不利证据,因着盼望我们仍然相信,有一天耶稣将会重建地球每一个角落,祂与我们一起同住,并且让我们与所爱的人重聚。




Matthew 3:1-12  
December - 8


"Every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire." Matthew 3:10

Repentance has a negative side -- "the dying away of the old self." It means we stop running after sin.

Recently a policeman and I were talking about dogs. I told him how much I liked German Shepherds. He said he didn’t, and then he explained why. He had been called to a crime scene. When he got there, he saw the suspect fleeing on foot, so he ran after him. At that same moment, a canine unit arrived, and the officer shouted, "Dog loose!" Seconds later, a German Shepherd seized my friend the policeman’s leg and brought him down.

I sympathized and said, "They shouldn’t have let the dog loose; it was the unit’s fault."

"No," he said, "It was my fault. When an officer shouts: ÔDog loose!’ you stop immediately and put your hands behind your head. The dog is trained to leave you alone when you surrender. I continued running, so I was taken down."

John the Baptist stood on the banks of the Jordan River shouting, "The King is coming. He’s on the loose! Surrender!" John preached repentance, urging people to prepare for the coming of the Lord.

The reign of God is coming, and it does not depend on our repentance. We can either surrender and be blessed, or resist and perish.

Here comes the King!

Gracious God, may your Spirit compel us to stop our trivial pursuits, our foolish ends, and our sinful ways, and may we seek your kingdom only. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

马太福音   3:1-12
December - 8


「凡不结好果子的树,就砍下来,丢在火里。」 太3:10

悔改有消极的一面 —— 那就是叫「旧我逐渐死去。」意思是说我们不再追随罪恶。









Luke 3:7-18  
December - 9


"'What should we do then?' the crowd asked." Luke 3:10

The changes John the Baptist was calling for do not appear radical. One commentator I know of thinks John’s counsel is rather commonplace. All we need to do, it seems to him, is to love a little, show a little kindness. No career change is required.

I think that interpretation goes too easy on many of us. After all, many of us are well-to-do. Many of us have far more than two sets of clothing; many of us also have two cars, two or more credit cards, and maybe even two homes. Our freezers are full. In light of our riches, John’s words become unsettling. They demand a radical generosity that few of us are accustomed to.

True, John does not order anyone to leave his or her job. But he does demand that we live out our faith by being honest and content and not abusing our power.

Clearly, discipleship is not something for after-hours only. We are not, so to speak, to moonlight for Christ. On the contrary, our allegiance to Christ rules not only our after-work hours but also our hours in the office, at the plant, on the road, in class, and at the sales meeting. We can neither leave Christ in church on Sunday nor let him wait for us in the parking lot on weekdays.

Here’s a question: How do we, who are dying to self and coming alive to Christ, do our work and other activities so that we honor Christ and respect our neighbor?

Lord Jesus, too often after hearing the good news we go right back to business as usual. Forgive us, and make our every thought captive to you. In your name, Amen.

路加福音   3:7-18
December - 9


「众人问他说:『这样,我们当做甚么呢?』」 路3:10








James 1:12-15  
December - 10


"Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed." James 1:14

In the movie Vanished, there’s a showdown between a man who incarnates the devil and a man who wants knowledge. The man gives the "devil" a severe beating, and he asks, "Have you no weapons?" The "devil" replies, "I have no weapons but your obsessions."

James would agree. We sin because the heart wants what it wants. Our text refers to "evil desire," but in the original Greek text this term is simply "desire"; it’s the same word Paul uses in Philippians 1:23: "I desire to depart and be with Christ." James is not focusing on desiring bad things but on desiring things badly. In the Bible sin is never merely breaking a law; it is spiritual unfaithfulness to God. We long for the arms of a flourishing career, or a well-endowed portfolio, or plentiful leisure. And we sin when we desire these treasures more than we desire God and holiness.

The Scottish preacher Thomas Chalmers observed in a sermon: "There are two ways . . . To displace from the human heart its love of the world -- either by a demonstration of the world’s vanity . . . Or by setting forth another object, even God, as more worthy of its attachment." Chalmers concluded that the best way to rid the heart of one love is to replace it with another, far better one. He calls it "the expulsive power of a new affection."

May our love of God in Christ trump all other loves.

Lord Jesus, you are the joy of our hearts. May we not seek this joy elsewhere. Keep us faithful, and help us to open our hearts to no love but yours. In your name, Amen.

雅各书   1:12-15
December - 10


「各人被试探,乃是被自己的私欲牵引、诱惑的。」 雅1:14


雅各必定同意上面所说的,我们犯罪,是因为我们希望满足心中的欲望;今天的经文称之为「私欲」(evil desire),但在希腊原文中这个词就是「欲望」(desire);保罗在腓立比书1:23也用了同一词汇:「我情愿(desire)离世与基督同在。」雅各所着眼的不是在于渴望不好(bad)的东西,而是在过度(badly)渴望任何东西。圣经所说的罪,从来不单单是不守律法,乃是心灵背叛神。我们渴望事业有成、资产丰厚,或很多悠闲的时间,但当我们追求这些财宝多过追求神和圣洁时,我们就犯了罪。

苏格兰传道人查多马讲道时这样说:「有两个方法可取代人爱世界的心 —— 一是让人看到这个世界的虚空;二是把另一个比世界更值得我们依恋的事物,包括神,放在人面前。」根据查多马的结论,若要除去人心中的钟爱,最有效的方法是以另一种更可爱的东西来取代它;他称之为「新欢所具有的排斥能力。」




Matthew 6:25-34  
December - 11


"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness." Matthew 6:33

On our way home I made a quick stop at a convenience store. As I got back in the car, my wife, Carol, said, "I think I heard something fall out of the car." I opened the door, looked around, and spotted two pennies. "Just a couple of pennies," I said.

Later, at home, I noticed that my church key was missing. After looking in every place possible, and more than a little frustrated, Carol said, "Maybe that’s what I heard falling out of the car." "Not likely," I said. But since I couldn’t find the key at home, I got in the car and headed back to the store. I located the two pennies and then widened my search -- and there, not six feet away, was my church key.

When I’d found the pennies on the ground, I’d stopped looking for the cause of the noise Carol had heard. But those two pennies had kept me from the key.

It happens. You wonder about your life, what it should add up to; you look around and see a few accomplishments, a job, and maybe a family. And you explore no further. You spot the pennies, and you miss the key. If you feel restless, you figure it must be a midlife crisis. So you shrug it off and look no further -- and you miss Christ knocking at your heart’s door.

Don’t settle for pennies. Keep searching till you find the kingdom of God. It’s the key.

Lord Jesus, give us today a clear sense of what’s important and what’s not. May we seek carefully after the things that delight you. In your name we pray. Amen.

马太福音   6:25-34
December - 11


「你们要先求他的国和他的义。」 太6:33


回家后,我发觉教会的吁匙不见了;在遍寻不获后,嘉璐非常苦恼,对我说:「我刚才听到的,可能就是吁匙掉出车外发出的声音。」我回答说:「不大可能。」但既然在家中找不到吁匙,我只好开车返回便利店。找到那两枚钱币后,我便在附近扩大寻找的范围 —— 果然,在六呎以内的地方,我寻获了教会的吁匙。










1 Peter 5:6-11  
December - 12


"Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8

There was a report in the news of a tiger roaming a neighborhood 40 miles outside of Los Angeles. The tiger weighed 600 pounds; that’s the weight of 10 good-sized dogs. The whole community was on high alert. Police and animal-rights activists were out in force, anxious to immobilize the tiger before it turned hungry. It’s a fearful thing to have a tiger prowling your neighborhood.

Peter tells us to be "self-controlled" (show good sense) and "alert" because our enemy the devil prowls our neighborhoods "like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." This lion is always hungry.

But we are often careless, unmindful of the prowler. We think a bad mood is only a bad mood, and a sin only a sin. In fact, these things make us vulnerable to our great adversary. Paul warns us, "Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and [that means] do not give the devil a foothold" (Ephesians 4:26-27). Remember, we are engaged in a great conflict.

We are to resist the devil by "standing firm in the faith." John Piper in his book Future Grace writes, "Faith stands or falls on the truth that the future with God is more satisfying than the one promised by sin [and the devil]. When this truth is embraced, and God is cherished above all, the power of sin is broken." Then Satan is disarmed; the lion is immobilized.

O God, teach us to be careful and help us to make the most of every opportunity. May we be strong in the Lord and resist the evil one, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

彼得前书   5:6-11
December - 12


「你们的仇敌魔鬼,如同吼叫的狮子,遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人。」 彼前5:8







Psalm 23  
December - 13


"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want." Psalm 23:1

We’ve seen idyllic pictures of a shepherd and his sheep. He sits on a knoll in a lush meadow, a bird chirps in a tree, a gentle stream flows by, the sun shines, and here and there some sheep calmly graze and rest.

But such a picture can be misleading. Most of the great sheep countries of the world are semi-desert. The ground around Bethlehem, for example, is brown and sunburned. It is neither easy nor common to find green pastures and running water. Instead there are ravines and treacherously narrow mountain passes. And everywhere lurks the danger of a wolf or a lion.

We are like sheep in a thirsty land, so our need for a strong, devoted shepherd is great. Being called sheep is not flattering. Sheep are helpless, timid animals. They have neither cunning nor speed. Without the shepherd they are at the mercy of every enemy.

We are like sheep -- this isn’t flattering, but it’s accurate. We might think we’re strong and cunning, and if armed with technology, we might put up an impressive fight. Still, we are powerless. Every doctor who helps with healing knows she is only postponing the inevitable, and we all know the sin that lurks at our door.

Only the shepherd is stronger than the roaring lion that seeks to devour us. Jesus says, "I am the good shepherd" (John 10:11). Follow him.

Lord Jesus, we are no match for sin and the devil. But with you as our guide, we are strong; in your power we are more than conquerors. Strengthen us today, we pray. Amen.

诗篇   23
December - 13


「耶和华是我的牧者,我必不至缺乏。」 诗23:1




我们像羊一样 —— 这比喻虽然不光彩,但却十分贴切。我们或许认为自己既刚强又灵巧,再加上科技上的装备,我们就有能力好好拚搏一场,然而我们其实是软弱无助。每一位治病的医生都明白,他们只是在延迟人生免不了的终结而已。我们都知道,罪正伏在我们的大门口。






Matthew 11:1-11  
December - 14


"Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?" Matthew 11:3

Have we had it all wrong? This disturbing question can cut right to the heart of our faith.

When we’ve bet our life and eternity on Jesus as the only Savior, even the possibility of being mistaken is a terrible kind of suffering. John the Baptist had staked his life on Jesus, and now in prison he was agonizing and asking, "Are you the one?"

If we are acquainted with this agony, we must also follow John’s example and go to Jesus with our doubts and not sit alone, sinking into despair. Like John, we must give Jesus an opportunity to reply.

We may regret that Jesus does not answer with a simple "Yes, I am the Messiah." But note that he also doesn’t say, "No, I’m only a Jew who wants to revitalize our tradition."

Jesus answers John in a kind of code, familiar to those who were steeped in Scripture. By quoting the prophet Isaiah, Jesus was telling John, "Yes, I am the Messiah." Only by the Messiah would "the blind receive sight, the lame walk," and so on. It was a staggering claim.

Just as the first crocuses are clear signs that spring is coming, so Jesus’ work of healing and preaching were signs that the kingdom of God was (and still is) coming.

He is the One. Let’s spread the good news that the prophet’s hope is fulfilled in Jesus.

Dear God, we pray for all who are racked with doubts. Encourage them to continue their walk in faith as your light breaks forth more and more clearly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

马太福音   11:1-11
December - 14


「那将要来的是你吗?还是我们等候别人呢?」 太11:3










Luke 1:8-38  
December - 15


"'How will this be,' Mary asked the angel, 'since I am a virgin?'" Luke 1:34

When the angel tells Zechariah that his wife will bear a son, Zechariah responds, "How can I be sure of this? I am an old man." And because he doubts the angel, he loses his ability to speak. The same angel comes to Mary and tells her she will bear a son, and Mary replies, "How will this be, since I am a virgin?" So the angel explains and adds, "Nothing is impossible with God."

Why is the angel so hard on Zechariah and so gentle with Mary?

In the Bible doubt is neither always bad nor always good. There is a bad doubt that raises questions to justify skepticism. It does not long for an answer. In fact, the question arises out of a worldview that makes no room for the possibility of an answer. Zechariah was one who believed that old folks do not have babies -- period.

On the other hand, there is a doubt that asks questions because it genuinely hopes for an answer. The question arises out of a deep humility: "Tell me how this can be." It recognizes that in a world as astonishingly complex and full of surprises as ours, neither God nor our salvation are simple.

We do not have answers to all the questions cynics raise, nor even to the questions our own hearts raise. But we know enough to stay the course.

Lord Jesus, we believe; help our unbelief. Fill us with a humble attitude that seeks understanding, and with trust in you when we do not know answers. In your name, Amen.

路加福音   1:8-38
December - 15


「马利亚对天使说:『我没有出嫁,怎么有这事呢?』」 路1:34



在圣经中,疑惑不一定是错,也不一定是对的。但当一个人提出他的疑惑,目的并不在乎答案,而只在乎表达自己心里的不信时,这个疑惑便是错的。事实上,在发问的人的观念中,根本不给对方有回答的余地。撒迦利亚就是那些相信上了年纪的人没可能生孩子的人 —— 他根本不期待得到答案。









Luke 1:26-38  
December - 16


"Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be." Luke 1:29

In his book The Denial of Death, Ernest Becker says that we regularly engage in repression simply to cope with daily life. We repress both the astonishment of existing and the terrors of dying. We block them out in order to focus on the task at hand.

A similar kind of repression happens at Christmastime. We hear that a virgin will "be with child . . . . He will be great . . . Called the Son of the Most High. . . . His kingdom will never end" -- but this amazing news barely registers. We do not stagger under the weight of Jesus’ coming. Instead we shop till we drop.

Mary models the right response. Before she says, "I am the Lord’s servant," we’re told she’s "greatly troubled." What troubles her is the greeting, not the angel. In the Scriptures, this greeting is often addressed to people chosen by God for a special purpose in salvation history. The phrase "the Lord is with you" is spoken to assure them of divine resources and protection. But why would Mary need such assurance? What was in store for her? She was troubled. Life in the small town of Nazareth would no longer be safe or simple.

The challenge for us this season is to attend to the claims made all around us about Jesus, and to wonder: What could the coming of this Holy One mean for us? Clearly this life of ours is neither safe nor simple.

Dear God, we are so easily caught up in routines that we lose sight of the immensity of our creation, redemption, and future glory. Shine on us, Lord, and awaken us. Amen.

路加福音   1:26-38
December - 16


「马利亚因这话就很惊慌,又反复思想这样问安是甚么意思。」 路1:29







Luke 1:46-56  
December - 17


"He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble." Luke 1:52

A member of our congregation told me she was experiencing a reversal of roles on Sunday. She said, "During the week, I’m the supervisor; clients come to me with their problems. But on Sunday I’m the client; I’m the one who comes for help."

There’s something exactly right in this reversal of roles. Before the face of God, in worship, not only does the supervisor become the client, but the professor becomes the student, the lawyer the accused, the reverend the sinner, the potter the clay, the doctor the patient, the ruler the subject, the parent the child.

Before the face of God there’s a radical reversal of our roles. And what’s most important is that our role before the face of God is the truth about us. We have to admit that our roles in the world involve a lot of playacting.

When people complain about "Sunday Christians" and call us hypocrites, their complaint is that this reversal of roles in worship is also playacting -- that it doesn’t shape how we act in the roles we play on weekdays. In other words, the religious rich don’t really see their poverty, and preachers don’t really know their sinfulness.

We must learn to live the truth. The Lord is coming, and, just as Mary proclaimed it, he will scatter the proud, send the rich away empty, and fill the hungry with good things.

Dear God, may we come to our senses and recognize ourselves as debtors to your grace, made whole by your mercy. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

路加福音   1:46-56
December - 17


「他叫有权柄的失位,叫卑贱的升高。」 路1:52




人们抱怨那些「星期日基督徒」,称我们为伪君子,因为他们看见我们在敬拜时,也挂上假装的面孔 —— 我们的敬拜并没有改变我们在平时的表现。换句话说,富有的宗教人士其实看不见自己的贫乏,而传道人也看不清楚他们自己的罪。




Hebrews 1:1-4  
December - 18


"God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways." Hebrews 1:1

God has not been silent. God’s a talker. This truth is basic to the Christian faith. Had God remained silent, our situation would be desperate.

Our reading from Hebrews reminds us that God spoke through the prophets, but we also know that God speaks through the touch of a caring hand at a bedside, the voices of a choir, and the beauty of art. God also speaks through the cries of the hungry, the lonely, and the sick. God’s a talker.

Someone remarked that every person lives in loneliness. I don’t know what it is like to be you, and you don’t know what it’s like to be me. We talk to make connections with each other, to be in communion. When I ask couples why they wish to marry each other, they often say, "Because we can talk." It’s a precious thing.

If God is a talker, then we had best be listeners. Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard once observed: "A man prayed, and at first he thought that prayer was talking. But he became more and more quiet until in the end he realized that prayer is listening."

Hebrews adds, "But in these last days [God] has spoken to us by his Son." The "but" suggests a momentous shift. Yet this does not mean that what God said earlier is now false; rather, it means that all God said is now fulfilled. We know God, and he knows us. We can talk.

O God, may all that exists speak to us of your power and wisdom, and may Christ’s coming tell us of your great love. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

希伯来书   1:1-4
December - 18


「神藉着众先知多次多方地晓谕列祖。」 来1:1








1 John 3:1-10  
December - 19


"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" 1 John 3:1

We often hear silly things said about the meaning of Christmas. Some years ago, for example, supermodel Christie Brinkley, surrounded by small children, said on the NBC news, "Christmas is really all about children’s bright, shiny faces."

That’s nonsense. People did not compose glorious music, build magnificent cathedrals, find hope in the face of dying, leave family and friends for the mission field, and lie prostrate in adoration because of children’s bright, shiny faces.

On the same day that I heard that statement, I attended a Christmas concert. The choir entered singing, "He came down to earth from heaven, who is God and Lord of all." At the close of the concert, the choir slowly proceeded out of the sanctuary following a boy holding a large cross -- an executioner’s tool.

What is Christmas about? Our Scripture reading for today gives us an answer. Jesus came to make us children of God, offering us a future beyond imagining. And we are reminded that "he appeared so that he might take away our sins" and "destroy the devil’s work." Both sin and the devil had to be dealt with so that we might belong in life and in death to Christ.

These are the remarkable reasons that give rise to celebration and to holiness this season.

O God, may we not miss the true reason for the singing and celebration of Christmas. Please fill us with a wholehearted desire to do what is right in Jesus’ name. Amen.

約翰壹书   3:1-10
December - 19


「你看父赐给我们是何等的慈爱,使我们得称为神的儿女。」 约壹3:1








Luke 2:1-14  
December - 20


"She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger." Luke 2:7

Why does the gospel writer Luke make a point of mentioning cloths and a manger? Note that later the angel says to the shepherds, "This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." What do the cloths and manger signify?

When Winston Churchill heard someone described as modest, he replied, "Yes, but he has much to be modest about." But that’s not the case with Mary’s child. He is called Savior, Lord, and Messiah. Each title signifies great dignity, worthy of royal purple and a gold crib.

The poverty of Jesus’ surroundings shows his solidarity with humanity. Despite all our pretensions, the truth about us is that we are poor. Like grass, we flourish briefly and then die. To be our representative, Jesus had to become like us in our poverty. (See Hebrews 2:17-18.)

Luke also describes the birth scene this way in parallel with Jesus’ burial scene. Here we are told that Mary "wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger." In Luke 23:53 we read that a man named Joseph took Jesus’ body down from the cross, "wrapped it in linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut in the rock." Later some Christian artists noticed this connection and portrayed the birthplace of Jesus like a sepulchre.

In his coming, Jesus shared not only our poverty but also our death. He was born to die for us.

Lord Jesus, you became like us in every way so that you might become a merciful and faithful high priest and cover our sins. We thank you. In your name, Amen.

路加福音   2:1-14
December - 20


「用布包起来,放在马槽ā! 路2:7








Luke 1:46-56  
December - 21


"My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior . . . ." Luke 1:46-47

We all know there are different names for groupings of animals. We speak of a herd of cows, a school of fish, and a flock of sheep. Perhaps less familiar is a parliament of owls, a mob of kangaroos, and a murder of ravens. My own favorite is an exaltation of larks.

That name is also fitting for a group of Christians. Where Christians gather, we have an exaltation. And leading us in exalting the Lord is Mary. Her soul soars as she glorifies (exalts) the Lord.

You’ve noticed how much joy there is at the heart of the Christmas event. Of course, there are shadows -- Zechariah’s doubt, imperial Rome, murderous Herod and his soldiers.

Still, at the center there is rejoicing (exultation). For example, Elizabeth says, "The baby in my womb leaped for joy" (Luke 1:44). And later the angel says to shepherds, "I bring you good news of great joy" (Luke 2:10).

Behind all the festivities -- the parties, the family gatherings, the special church services and programs, the exchange of gifts -- is the yearning for joy. Our hearts long to leap for joy in the dark of winter.

Joy is at such a premium in this season that it heightens our awareness of the loneliness, sadness, and death that cling to us. We know life is no lark. Yet we exult; we exalt the Lord, who is mindful of our humble state.

O God, in the light of your grace, may we sing and make music in our hearts to you and always thank and praise you with joy. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

路加福音   1:46-56
December - 21


「我心尊主为大,我灵以神我的救主为乐。」 路1:46-47

在英文中,我们会用不同的字来形容每一种动物的群体。一群牛用a herd,一群鱼用a school ,一群羊用 a flock;有些或许较为陌生,如一群猫头鹰用a parliament,一群袋鼠用a mob,一群乌鸦用a murder。我最喜欢的,是称一群百灵鸟为an exaltation (赞美)。

同样,称一群基督徒为an exaltation(赞美)也很贴切。在基督徒聚集之处,必定会有赞美,而马利亚便正是带着我们赞美主;当她尊(赞美)主为大,她的心便感到欢欣快乐。

你已看到,主降临是一件多么欢乐的事。当然,当时也有些不愉快的事 —— 例如撒迦利亚的疑惑、被罗马帝国统治、残暴杀人的希律和士兵。

纵然如此,整件事的核心仍然是充满欢乐(exultation)的。例如,以利沙伯说:「我腹里的胎就欢喜跳动」(路加福音1:44);后来天使亦对牧羊人说:「我报给你们大喜的信息」(路加福音 2:10)。

在所有圣诞节目 —— 派对、合家欢聚、教会特别崇拜和聚会、交换礼物 —— 的背后,是我们对喜乐的渴求。在阴暗的冬日,我们的心渴望有欢欣雀跃的机会。




Galatians 4:1-7  
December - 22


"When the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman . . . ." Galatians 4:4

"God sent his Son." The verb "sent" means more than a commissioning; it assumes a previous state of existence. Many of us know this already; yet it deserves careful reflection. (See 1 Corinthians 8:6; Philippians 2:6-8; Colossians 1:15-17; 1 John 1:1-3.)

This teaching tells us, for instance, that Jesus’ birth was an immense descent. When we were born, we came into being from nothing; that was an enormous ascent. But when the Son was born, he came from heaven to earth. The poet John Donne writes,

Immensity, cloister’d in [Mary’s] dear womb . . .

There he hath made himself to his intent

Weak enough, now into our world to come.

This descent steeps the Christian faith in amazement.

In the novel Gilead by Marilynne Robinson, an elderly preacher describes how he imagines heaven: "Mainly I just think about the splendors of the world and multiply by two. I’d multiply by ten or twelve if I had the energy. But two is much more than sufficient for my purposes." So he multiplies the feel of the wind by two, the smell of the grass by two, and so on.

But let’s try multiplying by 10,000 or more as we think of the Son leaving heaven to live with us. Perhaps, when we enter heaven at last ourselves, our first words will be: "I had no idea! He left all this for me!"

Lord Jesus, you were rich, yet for our sakes you became poor so that through your poverty we might become rich. May our gratitude overflow into holy living. Amen.

加拉太书   4:1-7
December - 22


「及至时候满足,神就差遣他的儿子,为女子所生……。」 加4:4











Galatians 4:8-11, 17-20  
December - 23


"My dear children . . . I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you." Galatians 4:19

G. K. Chesterton observed that true contentment requires the power to get the most out of any situation. Doing this, he said, is both arduous and rare. Too many people, he noted, go through trials and come out on the other end unchanged. Chesterton stated that a person might go ‘through’ a plum pudding as a bullet might go through a plum pudding. . . . But the awful and sacred question is, ‘Has the pudding been through him?’ Has he tasted, appreciated, and absorbed the solid pudding, with its . . . tastes and smells?" In other words, has the person gotten out of the pudding all that was in it?

Similarly, we will soon be through another Christmas, but the awful and sacred question is "Will Christmas have gone through us?" -- or, better, "Will Christ have been formed in us, or will we come out on the other end unchanged?"

The word form means "to fashion." Originally it referred to artists who shaped their material into an image. It also described the formation and growth of an embryo in a mother’s body. As a spiritual leader, the apostle Paul explained that he was in labor until Christ was born full-term in the Galatians who followed him.

To take full advantage of Christmas, we are to be formed into the likeness of Christ. Anything else is a disappointing Christmas.

Lord Jesus, we know that if you were born a thousand times in Bethlehem but not in our hearts, it wouldn’t help us. Make our hearts your home, we pray. Amen.

加拉太书   4:8-11, 17-
December - 23


「我小子啊,我……再受生产之苦,直等到基督成形在你们心里。」 加4:19









Luke 2:25-35  
December - 24


"My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people." Luke 2:30-31

Do you recall this nursery rhyme?

Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?

I’ve been to London to visit the Queen.

Pussy cat, pussy cat, what did you there?

I chased a mouse from under her chair.

The cat goes to visit the queen, but it’s business as usual -- the cat chases a mouse. She has no eye for the queen.

We go to Bethlehem to visit the Christ child. But what do we do there? Is it business as usual -- things and more things under the tree -- or do we see the newborn king?

Simeon bursts into praise when he holds the Christ child: "Sovereign Lord . . . . My eyes have seen your salvation." Seeing this salvation is what gives us peace both in living and in dying.

When the painter Rembrandt died in October 1669 at age 63, they found his unfinished painting of Simeon holding the Christ child. It was a work in progress.

Rembrandt painted Simeon as an old man, like himself, and blind. One historian writes, "The old man’s cradling hands are immense, held rigid as in deepest prayer. His face . . . Glimmers with unearthly brilliance. Behind the heavy eyelids he has, at last, seen the light of salvation," and he is able to say, "Lord . . . Now dismiss your servant in peace."

Holy Spirit, open the eyes of our hearts to see our great salvation in the coming of Jesus, the light of your love for all peoples. In his name we pray. Amen.

路加福音   2:25-35
December - 24


「我的眼睛已看见你的救恩,就是你在万民前所预备的。」 路2:30-31






猫儿虽然是去探望皇后,但它做的却是例行公事 —— 猫儿捉老鼠;它并没有争取这个机会看看皇后。

我们往伯利恒探望婴孩基督,但我们在那里究竟做甚么?是否例行公事 —— 疯狂购买一样又一样圣诞礼物 —— 还是真的看见这位新生王?






Matthew 1:18-25  
December - 25


"And they will call him Immanuel" -- which means, "God with us." Matthew 1:23

In the publishing world, it is sometimes said that a particular book is a definitive work. In other words, the book is a standard by which all future work will be judged or compared.

Jesus is the definitive revelation of God, the standard for all time. If someone asks what is revealed in this definitive revelation, we could say, it’s all in that little preposition "with." He is God with us. It’s more than being simply present.

Philosopher Alvin Plantinga quotes a writer who says, "A man looks upon nature, sees its sublimity and beauty, and his spirit gradually rises to the idea of God. He does not see the Divinity, nor does nature prove to him the existence of that Being, but it does excite his mind and imagination until the idea becomes rooted in his heart." But we want to know, does this Being care that we fall and die?

I was once asked to visit a young woman. She was dying of cancer. I asked, "Are you afraid?" And she said, "Of course I’m afraid."

Of course. Fear is not irrational. We’re under siege. No one gets out of here alive.

Yet in Jesus we have a sign, an astonishing reminder, that God is with us. God loves us passionately. It is this love that "drives out fear" (1 John 4:18).

Gracious God, may the love you showed us in sending your Son, Jesus Christ, drive us to our knees and drive out all fear. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

马太福音   1:18-25
December - 25


「人要称他的名为以马内利。以马内利翻出来就是神与我们同在。」 太1:23









Titus 3:3-8  
December - 26


"When the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us . . . ." Titus 3:4-5

Politicians sometimes make an appearance among the nation’s troops to show their support. The visit becomes a photo-op, and it’s a nice gesture, but of little consequence. It’s only an appearance.

As teenagers, we may be told to make an appearance at a family gathering. It need not be for the whole evening -- just for half an hour or so, to say hello.

Or let’s say there’s an event at church and we feel an obligation to attend, but there’s so much else on our calendar. Still, we promise we’ll make an appearance. The appearance is an appeaser.

Not all appearances are trivial. Pope John Paul II’s appearance in his beloved Poland in 1979, when Poland was still under the heel of the Soviet Union, ignited a movement that helped dismantle the communist empire.

The appearance cited in our reading for today was the greatest of all time: "When the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us." The word for "appeared" in the Greek text simply means "to show oneself openly, to come forward." God did not remain aloof, hidden. God came forward not just to boost our morale but to save us, to dismantle the evil empire, so that "we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life."

God would rather be in a barn with us than in heaven without us. He came to save.

Lord Jesus, may your coming to save us never cease to astonish us. Let the wonder of your appearance melt all resistance and give us the unceasing hope of eternal life. Amen.

提多书   3:3-8
December - 26


「到了神我们救主的恩慈和他向人所施的慈爱显明的时候,他便救了我们。」 多3:4-5


作为年青一辈,我们可能被要求在家庭聚会中露面,这并不需要逗留整个晚上 —— 只需停留大约半个小时,跟大家打个招呼便足够了。







Romans 5:1-11  
December - 27


"Through [Jesus] we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand." Romans 5:2

Someone said to me that succeeding in business is all about access. You may offer the finest services, but if there is poor access, you will fail.

This is true in politics as well. Having access to the right people makes a huge difference. People who are not socially connected to those in power find it nearly impossible to gain access to them.

When there is lake access, property value shoots up. Many beautiful lakes are off-limits to most people because the property around them is privately owned.

Of course, being on the outside and wanting access has a long history. After Adam and Eve sinned in Paradise, they were expelled, and an angel with a flaming sword denied them access.

Through Jesus Christ, however, we have gained access to the realm of God’s grace. It is Paradise Regained.

We have access into this grace by faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior. We enter it not on our own strength but by piggyback. We cling to Christ, and he carries us into this grace.

As Scripture puts it, this is the "grace in which we now stand." It’s not an occasional encounter that we have with God. We do not fall in and out of God’s grace. We stand in it. Imagine a lake of grace, and we’re in over our heads. What access!

Lord Jesus, once we were lost, alienated. You brought us home and have given us ready access to the Father of all mercies. We thank you and rejoice in hope. In your name, Amen.

罗马书   5:1-11
December - 27


「我们又藉着(耶稣),因信得进入现在所站的这恩典中。」 罗5:2










John 1:10-18  
December - 28


"To all who . . . believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." John 1:12

John’s gospel tells us that to receive Jesus is to believe in his name.

To believe in Jesus’ name is to acknowledge that Jesus is the Word become flesh. Others may pass him by, think him a stranger, or worse, call him an impostor and blasphemer -- but believers see his glory.

John wants us to look on the face of Jesus until the conviction becomes rooted in our hearts that we are looking into the human face of the living God. Perhaps this face of God comes most into focus when it wears the crown of thorns. As Nicholas Wolterstorff writes, "It is said of God that no one can behold his face and live. I always thought this meant that no one can see his splendor and live. A friend said perhaps it meant that no one could see his sorrow and live. Or perhaps his sorrow is his splendor."

Believing is more than seeing. It also involves following and even carrying on a sort of love affair. Believing is a verb, and in our Scripture reading it is followed by the preposition "in," suggesting that it unites us to the one in whom we believe. It is through this union that we are ushered into the family of God.

Though our Christmas decorations may soon be coming down, we’ll go back to our everyday living a different way because of what we have seen and believed.

Lord Jesus, may we not be guilty of passing you by, or be so distracted by the lights of the world that we miss you. To see you is to love you. We long to see you. Amen.

約翰福音   1:10-18
December - 28


「凡……信他名的人,他就赐他们权柄,作神的儿女。」 约1:12


信耶稣的名的意思,就是承认耶稣是道成了肉身。其他人或许漠视祂,当祂为陌路人,或甚至说祂欺骗人和亵渎神 —— 但信祂的人却能看见祂的荣耀。






Romans 8:31-39  
December - 29


"Neither death nor life . . . Will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:38-39

When someone dies, it’s common to hear people say, "We’ll miss him." Even many years later a family member will say, "I miss her so. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t grieve her absence."

To miss someone is a great sorrow, but not to be missed is worse. Sometimes people will complain that no one missed them when they hadn’t been to church for a couple of months. It can be so distressing that they begin looking for another church.

Not being missed means not being well knit with others; leaving should cause a painful tearing or brokenness. Ultimately not being missed means not being loved.

In Genesis 3 we find that after Adam and Eve sinned against God, they hid from God. And we’re told, "But the Lord God called . . . 'where are you?’" (3:9). Most of the time I’ve heard anger in that question. God is calling them on the carpet. But perhaps it expresses sadness as well: "Where are you? I miss you." The whole Bible -- and Jesus’ coming, in particular -- is the story of God seeking us, making peace so that he’ll not have to miss us again.

Love wants to hold the beloved forever. Our love is weak; all sorts of enemies can rip the beloved out of our arms. But God’s love in Christ is powerful, able to hold us forever against all challengers.

Almighty God, it is not our hold on you but your hold on us that saves us. With cords of love bind us to your heart. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

罗马书   8:31-39
December - 29


「无论是死、是生……都不能叫我们与神的爱隔绝;这爱是在我们的主耶稣基督里的。」 罗8:38-39




在创世记第三章,我们看到亚当和夏娃得罪神后,便躲起来不敢见神。圣经告诉我们:「耶和华神呼唤……『你在哪里?』」(3:9)。我总觉得神的语调带着怒气,祂在质问他们;不过,神的呼唤大概也同时带着丝丝哀伤:「你在哪里?我很想念你呢。」整本圣经 —— 特别是耶稣的降临 —— 都记载了神寻找我们的故事,神愿意与我们和好,这样祂便不用因见不到我们而牵挂了。




Psalm 52  
December - 30


"Why do you boast of evil, you mighty man? . . . Surely God will bring you down." Psalm 52:1, 5

Max De Pree, a Christian businessman, observed that the first task of a leader is to define reality. The leader communicates what is important and what is not.

Worship defines reality; it communicates what matters. In Isaiah 6, for example, King Uzziah had died, and life seemed fearfully unstable. When Isaiah entered the temple, he saw a vision of the Lord sitting on a throne, high and exalted. It was a reality check. Life was not out of control after all. There was the Lord.

In Psalm 73 the psalmist says he was confused that the wicked could prosper so well, and he envied them, he said, "till I entered the sanctuary of God . . . [and] understood their final destiny" (73:17).

Doing a reality check is also very much at work in Psalm 52. A mighty man is a most imposing figure in the world. He has wealth and grows strong by destroying others. But in worship before the face of God the psalmist sees the truth. The mighty man is a fool, his strutting a joke, and his strength an illusion. God will bring him down to ruin.

While the fool may say in his heart, "There is no God" (Psalm 53:1), the wise person knows there is a God, trusts in his unfailing love, and lives accordingly.

Today, before we set out to worship, let’s do a reality check and be wise.

Lord God, may our eyes ever be on you, so that we may see all things in life as they really are. Help us to trust in you and live faithfully for you each day. In Jesus, Amen.

诗篇   52
December - 30


「勇士啊,你为何以作恶自夸?……神也要毁灭你。」 诗52:1,5









Psalm 25:1-10  
December - 31


"To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God." Psalm 25:1-2

To lift up our souls to God is to confess: On you, O Lord, we depend; in you we trust, on you we wait and in you we take refuge. O Lord, unless you bless us, we perish.

To lift up our souls to God sets us apart from all who lift up their souls to idols, who look for happiness and refuge from dread in their own wisdom or strength or riches.

We lift up our souls not to these vanities, but to you, O Lord, because you are the center of life. You are the great King over all; you are the creator of all things. This very cosmos that can so astonish us is the robe of glory with which you have clothed yourself. You are good and very great. We lift up our souls to you.

From this foundational stance spring two requests. The first is that we not be put to shame. We ask that God not abandon us, leave us disgraced, lost, but that instead he prize us and remain always committed to our future for the sake of his name.

Our second request is that we be shown the Lord’s ways. We plead not only for mercy but for power and wisdom to live holy lives.

If the first request asks God to stay with us and be committed to our future, the second request asks that we stay with God and remain committed to his future.

Lord, as we look back on an old year and anticipate a new one, may we look to you at all times to uphold us and make us strong, that we not go down to defeat. In Jesus, Amen.

诗篇   25:1-10
December - 31


「耶和华啊,我的心仰望你。我的神啊,我素来倚靠你。」 诗25:1-2









Joshua 1:1-9  
January - 1


"Do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

On the first day of a new year many of us wish each other a "Happy New Year!" But as we begin a new year, we need more than a hopeful greeting from the people around us. We need to listen to what God told Joshua about 3,400 years ago.

As Joshua was about to lead God’s people into the promised land, he had reason to be afraid. He had an enormous task ahead of him, and he was well aware of the dangers that he and the people would soon be facing. He needed God’s encouragement.

A new year brings lots of questions: Will our health hold? Will our marriage last? Will I be able to hang on to my job? Will I get into the right school? Will I live to see the end of this year? Will the economy improve? Will there be a terrorist attack or some natural disaster that takes me or my loved ones?

The Creator of the universe comes to us and says, "Don’t be afraid; don’t be discouraged." What happens in this coming year is not left to chance. God is in charge, and he promises to stay close: "The LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Many years later, the Lord Jesus made the same promise when he said, "I am with you always" (Mat¬thew 28:20). That’s the reason we can wish each other a "Happy New Year!"

Father in heaven, thank you for the gift of a new year and for your promise to stay with us. We ask for your guidance and wisdom each day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

約书亚记   1:1-9
January - 1


「不要惧怕,也不要惊惶,因为你无论往哪里去,耶和华 ── 你的神必与你同在。」 书1:9




宇宙的创造者来到我们当中,对我们说:「不要惧怕,也不要惊惶。」来年所发生的事情,不会是偶然的,因为有神在掌管,祂应许与我们同在:「耶和华 ── 你的神处处都必与你同在。」

多年之后,主耶稣也作出同样的应许,祂说:「我就常与你们同在」(马太福音 28:20)。故此,我们可以祝愿大家「新年快乐」!



Deuteronomy 31:6-8  
January - 2


The LORD himself . . . will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:8

While visiting in the Philippines, my wife and I spent some time on Corrigedor Island. We toured some old tunnels that were dug there at General MacArthur’s headquarters during World War II.

I wasn’t sure how stable those tunnels were, but our guide assured us they were safe. He had been there before, and he was going to walk ahead of us. With a flashlight in one hand and a walking stick in the other, we made it safely through.

That tour was just a simple illustration of what God invites us to do as we begin a new year. We don’t know what’s ahead. We can’t look into the future. But God can! God assures us that he knows what’s ahead. The entire year is spread out before the Lord. He knows our future. And the same God who knows all about the year ahead promises to go with us every step of the way.

God himself will be our guide, and he will guide us through. He knows the challenges that will face us, the obstacles that are before us. He invites us simply to follow him. And to help us on our way, God offers us the light of his Word. As the psalmist puts it, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" (Psalm 119:105).

All we have to do is keep our eyes on the Lord, listen to what he says, and follow him.


Lord, help us to keep our eyes on you, and teach us how to listen as you call us to follow you. Give us your wisdom and grace, we pray. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

申命记   31:6-8
January - 2


「耶和华必在你前面行;他必与你同在,必不撇下你,也不丢弃你。」 申31:8




神会亲自作我们的向导,引领我们的脚步。祂知道我们将会面对的挑战和困难,祂邀请我们跟随祂,而为了能够沿途帮助我们,祂赐给我们路上的光,就是祂的话语,正如诗人所说:「你的话是我脚前的灯,是我路上的光」(讨篇 119:105)。




Hebrews 11:1-6  
January - 3


Faith is being sure of what we hope for . . . . Hebrews 11:1

At the beginning of my work in ministry I used to call on a friend who’d been in bed for more than 10 years. Because of a debilitating disease, he could not move a muscle. In spite of his condition, though, he would often say, "God is so good!" I sometimes asked myself how he could say that, and how he and his wife were able to keep going.

The answer to those questions is in Hebrews 11. The recurring refrain throughout this chapter is ". . . by faith." It was the gift of faith that kept God’s people go¬ing even under the most difficult circumstances. They were ordinary people, like us, with the same kinds of weaknesses, feelings, and emotions. They too gave in to temptations. They too must have had their doubts at times. They too must have wondered at times where God was.

But it was because of God’s gift of faith that these ordinary people were able to live extraordinary lives. It is by faith that you and I will be able to keep going this year. Receive God’s gift of faith, and through the eyes of faith you will be able to see the One who is "the author and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2).

Make sure you have received the gift of faith by turning to the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s the only way to keep going throughout the coming year.

Father in heaven, we thank you for the gift of faith. Help us to look at life through the eyes of faith; help us as ordinary people to live extraordinary lives. In Jesus, Amen.

希伯来书   11:1-6
January - 3


「信就是所望之事的实底……」 来11:1



然而,靠赖神所赐的信心,这些凡夫俗子可以过不平凡的人生。凭着信心,你和我可以度过新的一年。所以,要接受神所赐的信心,而凭着信心的眼目,你必定能看见那位「为我们信心创始成终」的耶稣(希伯来书 12:2)。




Psalm 139:1-12  
January - 4


You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Psalm 139:5

God is where we are! Psalm 139 makes this clear to us in one of the most beautiful passages of the Bible.

From the moment we get up in the morning until we go to bed at night, God is there. As the psalmist puts it, "You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways." God knows when we sit and when we rise. He knows our every thought and hears our every word. God hems us in and even lays his hand on us.

This may seem like an invasion of privacy to some of us, but to the psalmist it was one of the most beautiful things imaginable: "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain." The psalmist could say this because he had a close relationship with God.

To reach a point where we can say with the psalmist, "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me" and to experience God’s presence in our lives every step of the way, we need to do at least four things. We have to come near to God; we have to confess; we have to communicate; and we have to commit our lives to the Lord. Only then will we be able to celebrate the fact that God is where we are!

Let’s note carefully over the next several days how, in God’s strength, we can make these things a reality in our lives.

Lord, our God, thank you for your closeness to us. Please help us to draw near to you and live faithfully for you. Keep your guiding hand on us, we pray. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

诗篇   139:1-12
January - 4


「你在我前后环绕我,按手在我身上。」 诗139:5








James 4:1-10  
January - 5


Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:8

It sounds so good on paper: God is where we are! But what do you do when you can’t find God? What if God doesn’t seem to be there for you? Some Christians struggle with that question.

A high school senior wrote to me and said, "What do you do when God seems far away, and you’re praying to an empty chair, and you’re reading the Bible for your devotions, but you do it because you know you should, and it does not mean anything to you?"

What do you do if you feel like that high schooler?

Here’s one idea: read and reread Psalm 139, and let it sink in. Then come near to the God who loves you and knows everything about you. That’s what James says: "Come near to God and he will come near to you."

Throughout the Bible God invites us to come. The Lord invites us to come and reason together (Isaiah 1:18). Jesus invites the weary to come to him and find rest (Matthew 11:28-29), and he promises that he will never drive us away (John 6:37).

We have to come just as we are—empty-handed. Come and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who died to save us from our sins.

Before you go to sleep tonight, ask Jesus to come into your heart. If you really want him to, he will respond. The One who died for you will never drive you away.

Lord God, give us the grace to respond to your invitation to come. Accept us as we come to you, just as we are, and assure us of your love shown for us in Jesus. Amen.

雅各书   4:1-10
January - 5


「你们亲近神,神就必亲近你们。」 雅4:8






我们必须以自己的本相来到祂面前 ── 两手空空。要来相信主耶稣基督,祂为拯救我们的罪而死。




回复 43#懿怡妈妈 的帖子

懿怡妈妈,谢谢你带领我们读圣经! 请问英文版或原版的圣经哪里有售?.


回复 44#maggieyang_855@ 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 懿怡妈妈 于 2009-1-6 16:46 编辑 ].


Psalm 32:1-5  
January - 6


I acknowledged my sin to you . . . . and you forgave the guilt of my sin. Psalm 32:5

Someone came to talk. He was upset and angry. I had preached on Psalm 139, saying God is always there for us. This person said, "On Sunday you keep on telling us God is where we are. Well, he’s not there for me." Then he shouted, "Where is this God you talk about?

We talked for quite some time. During our conversation it became clear that one of the reasons he did not feel God’s closeness was that he was intent on living in sin. He refused to admit and acknowledge that he was caught up in a sin because he did not want to give it up. He refused to confess.

In Psalm 32 David makes clear that unconfessed sin builds a wall between ourselves and God. David was speaking from experience. After his affair with Bath¬sheba he’d tried to cover his tracks by having her husband killed. The story, recorded in 2 Samuel 11, reads like a soap opera. David had to learn the hard way that we distance ourselves from God when we try to hide our sins or refuse to confess them.

If for some reason you feel far from God, take inventory by asking yourself, "Is there unconfessed sin in my life?" Perhaps it happened years ago, or perhaps it’s something you did today. The Lord invites you to come clean and confess, and when you do you will experience the loving arms of the waiting Father.

Lord, please keep us from sin and keep sin from us. Help us to be willing to confess our sins, and help us see where we’ve gone wrong. Forgive us for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

诗篇   32:1-5
January - 6


「我向你陈明我的罪……你就赦免我的罪恶。」 诗32:5







回复 44#maggieyang_855@ 的帖子



回复 46#懿怡妈妈 的帖子



谢谢啊, 九江路倒是瞒近的,早就想买本小点的可以随身带.


2 Samuel 12:1-7  
January - 7


Nathan said to David, "You are the man!" 2 Samuel 12:7

Sometimes we are almost completely blind to our own sins and shortcomings. It’s so much easier to see the faults and failures of others. And sometimes it takes someone else to make us see our sin.

That’s how it was with David. When the prophet Nathan told him a story about a rich man who stole a poor man’s lamb, David was outraged. He could clearly see what the rich man had done, but he failed to see his own sin. The prophet needed to confront David before he realized that Nathan was talking about him.

In the book Caring Enough to Confront, David Augs¬burger talks about the importance of confronting people who live in sin. Sometimes we need to confront, and sometimes we need to be confronted.

It’s not easy to confront a family member, a friend, or a coworker. Sometimes it’s easier to look the other way. Besides, we ourselves don’t like to be confronted. When someone cares enough to confront us, often our first response is "Who do you think you are? You’re not perfect either!"

God calls us to confront others who are in sin, and we need to learn to do so with gentleness (Galatians 6:1). We must also be willing to be confronted when we are blind to our own sins. God wants us all to help remove the barrier of sin that keeps us far from God.

Father in heaven, make us caring enough to con¬front someone who is living in sin, and give us the grace to accept those who confront us. We ask all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

撒母耳记下   12:1-7
January - 7


「拿单对大卫说:『你就是那人!』」 撒下12:7



作者David Augsburger在他的著作《在爱里说实话》中,谈到向活在罪中的人说实话的重要性。有时,我们需要向人说实话;有时,却需要别人向我们说实话。





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